Group Presentations and Manuals (2010-2012) only please...

Group Members:

Dr. Lyudmila Goncharova

Eric Barbagiovanni
Ph.D. student, jointly supervised with P. Simpson
Sergey Dedulin
Ph.D. student

Misha Chavarha
M.Sc. student
Olga Lobacheva
Ph.D. student

Lojan Sivakumaran
NSERC USRA student, summer 2010, 2011, 2012
Peter Nguyen
NSERC USRA student, summer 2012, with P. Simpson

Gabe Kinleyside
Summer 2012 student

Group pictures: present and past

Lojan presents his first poster at CAMBR

Misha has a story to tell! (CAMBR, June 2011)

At the end of the world... (St. John's, NL, June 2011)

Jian's farewell party (December 2010)

Former group members:

Dr. Chris Mokry
Postdoctoral Associate
Dr. Jian Liu
Postdoctoral Fellow, jointly supervised with W.N.Lennard, now at SUNY Albany

Rob D'Ortenzio
NSERC USRA student, jointly supervised with P. Simpson, summer 2011

Roger Odell
NSERC USRA student, jointly supervised with P. Simpson, summer 2011

Mitchell Brocklebank
4th year thesis student, Physics
Jonathan Keypour
Summer student, 2009-2010, Physics, now a grad student at Drexel University

Nathan Armstrong
NSERC USRA student, summer 2009, now a grad student at McMaster University

Melinda Quigg
4th year thesis student, Physics
Hassan Ahmad

4th year thesis, Physics 2008, now in Osgood Hall Law school
Nathan Yundt

4th year thesis, summer student 2008, now a gradauet student in Chemistry Department, UWO